Game of Thrones Tv Series Targaryen Family Tree



Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, the final Prince of Dragonstone, was the eldest son and heir to Rex Aerys 2 Targaryen, the Mad King. He was the older brother of Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen and the married man of Elia Martell, with whom he had 2 children, Rhaenys and Aegon. He besides fathered Jon Snow with Lyanna Stark, whom he secretly married following an disparateness from Elia.[1] [2]


  • one Biography
    • ane.1 Background
    • 1.2 Season 1
    • 1.three Season 3
    • 1.4 Season 4
    • 1.5 Season 5
    • ane.6 Season 6
    • 1.7 Flavour 7
    • i.8 Season 8
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Relationships
  • four Appearance
  • five Family unit tree
  • 6 Gallery
  • seven Quotes
  • eight In the books
    • 8.ane Rhaegar'due south annulment from Elia Martell in the TV series
  • 9 Run into also
  • 10 References



Rhaegar's father King Aerys II slid into insanity, leading to Rhaegar becoming melancholic and brooding.

Prince Rhaegar Targaryen was the eldest son and heir of King Aerys Two Targaryen, by his sister-wife Queen Rhaella Targaryen. For three centuries, the Targaryens had connected to incestuously marry blood brother to sister to keep the bloodline pure in the tradition of their Valyrian ancestors. Over time, this massive inbreeding led to a strain of insanity appearing in the Targaryen bloodline - culminating in Rhaegar's father, Aerys II, who is best remembered as the Mad King.

Young Rhaegar was seen as having every quality to brand a peachy rex subsequently succeeding his father - so most lords hoped to simply wait out Aerys II'south insanity.

Aerys 2'south reign began with great hope, only as the years passed, he slid deeper and deeper into insanity and paranoia. The shift was gradual, and he ofttimes recovered: past the time information technology became severe, Prince Rhaegar already showed such great promise as the future heir to the throne that most were willing to endure with Aerys'due south eccentricities, intending to wait out the remainder of his reign until Rhaegar succeeded him. Rhaegar was brave, kind, and wise, and nigh looked forward to the aureate era that would assuredly brainstorm when he would arise to the throne. Greatly troubled by Aerys 2's growing insanity, Rhaegar was torn betwixt whether to human activity against him or not, but could not bring himself to plough against his own father. Like the rest of the realm, Rhaegar hoped to merely expect out the rest of his begetter's reign, and that his bouts of insanity would remain manageable by his courtiers.[3]

Rhaegar had good reason to retrieve that the small quango could proceed the realm together despite his begetter's madness, as it was very capably led by Tywin Lannister, who served as Aerys's Hand for nearly twenty years. Tywin was not only able to keep Aerys from tearing the realm autonomously, merely managed royal affairs so well that he brought two decades of peace and enough for Westeros, to the point that almost people throughout the realm were unaware of the king'southward madness until the concluding years of his reign.

Cersei Lannister hoped that she would one day ally the Crown Prince, Rhaegar, given that her father Tywin was Paw of the Rex to Rhaegar'south father.

Because Aerys and Rhaella had produced no daughters for Rhaegar to wed, he had to look outside the family for a bride. Many assumed that in advantage for Tywin's long and distinguished service as Aerys's primary counselor, the bond betwixt the Targaryens and Lannisters would eventually be solidified with a marriage-alliance between Prince Rhaegar and Tywin'southward daughter Cersei (especially, Cersei herself, who for a time was quite infatuated with Rhaegar).[4] Yet Aerys surprisingly spurned the match, saying that Tywin was however but a servant and shouldn't try to elevate his family above its station, equally such a friction match was beneath Rhaegar. Information technology was later believed that Aerys did this in a fit of paranoia that Tywin was trying to usurp his throne. Despite everything Tywin had done for him in ii decades of loyal service, Aerys had grown and so resentful and fearful that many people throughout the realm whispered - accurately - that Tywin was the existent power backside the throne past that point.

Instead of Cersei, Prince Rhaegar marries Elia Martell.

Alienating his longtime Hand, Aerys instead agreed to an bundled marriage betwixt Rhaegar and Elia Martell, a princess from Dorne, daughter of the ruling Princess of Dorne (who was a afar cousin of the royal line through intermarriage a century before). Rhaegar and Elia's marriage was happy co-ordinate to all accounts. Oberyn Martell, Elia'south younger brother, said that his sister loved her husband. Rhaegar and Elia had two children: a daughter named Rhaenys, then a son named Aegon.[five] [6] [7]

At the tourney feast, Rhaegar played a vocal on his harp of such beauty and sorrow that it moved Lyanna Stark to tears.

After winning the Tourney at Harrenhal, Rhaegar shockingly rode by his ain married woman Elia to present the victor'southward crown to Lyanna Stark instead.

A few years later, the Great Tourney at Harrenhal was held and all the prominent lords of Westeros assembled. During the feast, Rhaegar played a song on his harp and then beautiful and sorrowful that it moved even the wild she-wolf Lyanna Stark to tears. The exact events that happened in private are unknown, but the public events at the tourney's final joust are known to all: Rhaegar faced off against Ser Barristan Selmy in the final tilt, and won. Instead of so giving the victor's wreath to his own wife Elia Martell, even so, the unabridged oversupply of hundreds of people fell silent as he rode by her and gave it to Lyanna Stark, to name her as the tournament'south Queen of Love and Beauty, an act that was doubly controversial as Lyanna was herself already betrothed to Robert Baratheon. At the same tourney, King Aerys announced that he was naming young Jaime Lannister to the Kingsguard. While he was a very skilled swordsman, Aerys actually appointed Jaime to the order to rob Tywin of his eldest son and heir (every bit the Kingsguard forswear all right to inheritance), and care for him as a glorified political hostage at the purple court, should Tywin ever turn against him. Tywin was infuriated, as he had been grooming Jaime for years to succeed him as ruler of the Westerlands, and past constabulary, Jaime'southward removal meant that the first in line to inherit Casterly Rock would be Tywin's hated dwarf son Tyrion. Tywin promptly resigned as Hand of the Rex, and withdrew from King'due south Landing dorsum to Casterly Stone.[8]

Artistic depiction of Rhaegar'due south declared "Abduction" of Lyanna Stark.

About a yr later on the tourney, nether as-yet unknown circumstances, Rhaegar allegedly abducted Lyanna Stark.[5] Unknown to all, Lyanna had actually desired to go out with Rhaegar, and they ran off together to the Ruby-red Mountains of Dorne. They stayed at a relatively small castle Rhaegar named the Tower of Joy. Rhaegar bundled for the Loftier Septon to grant him an annulment from his marriage to Elia Martell, so personally officiate his secret marriage to Lyanna the same day.[nine] [2]

Lyanna's father and eldest brother came to King's Landing demanding her render, but were horrifically executed by Aerys.

Lyanna'south eldest brother Brandon and then rode to Male monarch'due south Landing to need the return of his sister and the decease of Rhaegar, a rash thing to do according to others. King Aerys imprisoned him, and when their father Rickard went southward to ransom his son, he was imprisoned equally well. The Mad King and then brutally executed both of them past burning Lord Rickard alive with wildfire in front of the Iron Throne and baiting Brandon into strangling himself to death in an effort to salve his father. Subsequently, Male monarch Aerys demanded that Jon Arryn send him the heads of Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon. Jon Arryn refused, and instead, raised his banners in revolt. Eddard Stark and Lyanna's matrimonial, Robert Baratheon, joined him to overthrow the Targaryen dynasty.[10]

Lyanna had actually fallen in dear with Rhaegar, and eloped with him to marry in underground.

This war became known every bit Robert's Rebellion, or the "War of the Usurper" to Targaryen loyalists. To the confusion of many, Rhaegar'southward location remained unknown during about of the state of war, which lasted most a year: as Robert Baratheon's rebel regular army fought its way up from Storm's Cease through the Reach and the Riverlands, and and then up to the Trident, Rhaegar was nowhere to be seen. For months, it seems he stayed in seclusion with Lyanna at the Belfry of Joy in Dorne. During this early phase of the rebellion, Aerys II continued to think of Robert Baratheon as only an outlaw lord, but after he defeated all of the local royal armies thrown at him and crossed due north of the Trident, Aerys finally realized that this was the worst revolt the Targaryens had faced in over a century.

Rhaegar leading the Targaryen army to face the rebels at the Battle of the Trident.

Around the same time, Rhaegar of a sudden returned to the royal court at King's Landing to lead the crown's armies. Both sides at present mobilized the full might of their forces: Robert led his rebel army south (composed of Baratheon, Stark, Tully, and Arryn forces) while Rhaegar led the royal regular army due north to meet him (composed of the Targaryen armies raised from the Crownlands, supplemented by another ten,000 from Dorne).

Rhaegar confides in Barristan Selmy, implying that he volition depose his father for the good of the Realm.

Accompanying Rhaegar were 2 of the Kingsguard, Barristan Selmy and Lewyn Martell (uncle of Rhaegar'south married woman Elia). On the fashion, Rhaegar privately confided to Barristan that after they won, there would be "many changes" at the royal court upon his return - alluding that he intended to depose his father for his crimes and instability, and effort to restore peace with the Cracking Houses of the realm.[11] [3] [five]

Robert ultimately killed Rhaegar at the Trident by caving in his breastplate with a mighty accident from his war hammer.

Rhaegar and Robert'due south forces finally clashed at the climactic Battle of the Trident, at the crossing of the Kingsroad over the river (not far from the Inn at the Crossroads). Rhaegar'southward army was fresh and slightly larger, but Robert'south was more battle-hardened, and they slowly gained ground. Rhaegar and Robert spotted each other across the battlefield and rode out to fight, resulting in an epic duel which raged for hours as the battle dragged on around them. Robert killed Rhaegar with a mighty blow from his state of war hammer, which caved in Rhaegar's breastplate. His armor had been studded with ruddy rubies, which were sent flight through the ford in the river. It has been known equally the "Cerise Ford" since. Their leader killed, the Targaryen ground forces collapsed, and the rebels were victorious.[12] [xi] [3]

Rhaegar's expiry increased the inevitability of Robert's victory.

With Rhaegar'due south death, the Targaryen crusade was doomed: most of their supporters had been fighting for Rhaegar, not the Mad King, so after he died most either surrendered or switched sides (not to mention that the main Targaryen army had been destroyed at the Trident). The insubordinate army continued unopposed south to Rex'south Landing, but Tywin Lannister's regular army arrived there first. Tywin had kept the Lannisters neutral throughout most of the war, and just made the calculated decision to side with the rebels after information technology became obvious they would win, to curry favor with Robert and his allies after the war concluded. Tywin feigned that he had brought his army to assistance Aerys in his fourth dimension of greatest need, simply equally soon as they were let inside the gates of King'due south Landing, the Lannister army promptly began to brutally sack the entire metropolis.

Gregor Clegane kills Rhaegar and Elia Martell's son, Aegon, earlier raping and killing Elia.

Rhaegar's father the Mad King was himself killed by his own Kingsguard, Tywin's son Jaime Lannister (to stop him from enacting the Wildfire plot to burn down the city). Meanwhile, Lannister soldiers gained entry into the Cherry Go along: Ser Gregor Clegane, known as "the Mountain that Rides", cornered Rhaegar's wife Elia and her two small children in the royal apartments. Gregor killed Rhaenys and babe Aegon while their female parent Elia watched helplessly, and so raped Elia, earlier killing her as well.[10] [5]

Queen Rhaella died giving nascency to Rhaegar's younger sister Daenerys.

Presently before the sack, Rhaegar's heavily significant female parent Queen Rhaella had been sent to prophylactic on Dragonstone isle, along with his younger brother Viserys. Not long afterward they arrived, notwithstanding, Rhaella died giving birth to Rhaegar'due south posthumous younger sister, Daenerys Targaryen. Viserys and his newborn sister then fled into exile in the Free Cities, beyond the Narrow Body of water, before Robert'south soldiers could get in on the island.[12] [13]

Rhaegar left the final Targaryen Kingsguard to defend Lyanna at the Tower of Joy.

Lyanna Stark did not survive much longer than Rhaegar: after arriving at King's Landing in the backwash of the sack, her brother Eddard rode south with his companions searching for her, before finding her at the Tower of Joy in the western mountains of Dorne, protected by the last of the Targaryen Kingsguard, the legendary Ser Arthur Dayne and Ser Gerold Hightower, who had secretly been ordered by Rhaegar himself to keep her (and her unborn child) safe. Eddard and his companions fought them in an epic confrontation, at the end of which all were dead except for himself and the wounded Howland Reed.[14] [1]

Ned Stark finds Lyanna dying from childbirth, to Rhaegar's lawful son and heir. To protect his nephew, Ned passes him off as his ain bounder: "Jon Snow."

Eddard raced inside only to find that Lyanna was dying from childbirth, subsequently having given nativity to her son, Rhaegar's last child and heir. With her last jiff, Lyanna told Eddard of her cloak-and-dagger marriage to Rhaegar, and that their son's proper noun was "Aegon Targaryen." Lyanna made Eddard promise to keep him safety, considering if Robert always institute out that Rhaegar had a surviving heir, he would impale him - not least of which because, as Rhaegar'south lawful son, he was the existent legitimate heir to the Iron Throne, ahead of Rhaegar'due south younger siblings. To protect his sister's son, Eddard departed with Rhaegar and Lyanna's newborn child and took him dorsum to Winterfell. Eddard claims his nephew as his bounder son fathered while he was on campaign to keep the kid safe. He names the kid 'Jon Snow'[15] and raises him in Winterfell.[1] [2]

Flavor 1

King Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark speak about Rhaegar while visiting Lyanna'southward tomb at Winterfell.

When Male monarch Robert Baratheon arrives at Winterfell, he immediately goes with Lord Eddard Stark to encounter Lyanna Stark'southward grave in the crypts below the castle. Robert tells Eddard that he kills Rhaegar every nighttime in his dreams. Eddard tries to clinch Robert that he already killed Rhaegar, but Robert laments that he could only kill him once. Looking nervous, Eddard tells Robert that the Targaryens are dead now, but Robert points out non all of them are - implying he will keep hunting down the younger Targaryen children until their family unit is totally eradicated.[13] Robert too mentions Rhaegar when arguing with Ned over the morality of having Daenerys assassinated. When Ned decries that killing a pregnant immature girl would be a dishonorable offense, Robert angrily retorts that after what Daenerys's brother Rhaegar did to Ned'due south sister Lyanna, Ned shouldn't be defending them.[16]

Maester Aemon Targaryen shares his grief with "Jon Snow" well-nigh how his great-nephew Rhaegar was killed in the war.

When Daenerys successfully consumes a stallion'south centre and the dosh khaleen declare her unborn son to be the Stallion Who Mounts the World, Daenerys declares that he will be named Rhaego in honor of her brother.[17] When Jon Snow hears about his "father" Eddard Stark'south imprisonment and faces the conflict between love for his family unit and duty to the Night's Sentry, Maester Aemon recounts his ain struggle with the aforementioned conflict. He reveals his identity, that he is Aemon Targaryen. Maester Aemon remembers that the gods tested him when his great-nephew Rhaegar and his children were killed, who (unbeknownst to Maester Aemon and Jon) were Jon's blood begetter and one-half-siblings.[18] [1]

When Bran Stark shows Osha the tombs nether Winterfell, he gives a quick summary of the events leading to the civil war: how Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna, who was betrothed to Robert Baratheon, and the Mad King then killed Lyanna's brother and father, triggering the state of war. Robert killed Rhaegar in boxing, but Lyanna died anyway.[19]

Season three

In Slaver'south Bay, the now-elderly Barristan Selmy recounts to Daenerys how he fought abreast her brother Rhaegar at the Battle of the Trident.

When Daenerys Targaryen considers the possibility of ownership Unsullied to employ as her army in her quest to win the Iron Throne, Ser Barristan Selmy pleads with her non to do it. He recounts how, every bit a Kingsguard, he knew Rhaegar and fought beside him at the Battle of the Trident. That 24-hour interval, men fought and died for Rhaegar because they believed in him and loved him. Ser Jorah Mormont counters that Rhaegar fought bravely and honorably, but perished yet. Daenerys asks Barristan if he knew Rhaegar well: he responds that he did, and Rhaegar was the finest human he ever knew - the last dragon. Daenerys is saddened, as Rhaegar died before she was born, and says she wishes she had known him - simply he was not the last dragon (she is).[20]

Season 4

Oberyn Martell recounts to Tyrion Lannister how Rhaegar left Elia Martell, Oberyn's own sister, for Lyanna.

While conversing with Tyrion Lannister before long after his arrival to Rex's Landing for the upcoming wedding of Joffrey Baratheon and Margaery Tyrell, Prince Oberyn Martell, Elia's younger blood brother, shows his ire toward Rhaegar for leaving his sis (subsequently she bore his children, and despite her dearest and loyalty to him) "for another woman" (Lyanna Stark).[21]

Season 5

On her manner to her father's funeral at the Great Sept of Baelor, Cersei recalls when she was a young teenager before Robert'south Rebellion, she visited a forest witch known as Maggy to predict her future. Young Cersei asks Maggy if she will marry the Prince as her father desired.[6] Maggy answers that she will non, but she will marry the rex.[4] Around the same fourth dimension, Daenerys visits her imprisoned dragons, calling Rhaegal, the dragon she had named after her brother, past name.[4]

Barristan tells Daenerys most Rhaegar's dear of singing and playing the harp.

Barristan Selmy shares some of his memories of Rhaegar with Daenerys in Meereen. She is pleasantly surprised to discover that Rhaegar was more the dandy killer that Viserys made him out to be. Selmy tells her how Rhaegar used to disguise himself as a minstrel and play on the streets of Rex's Landing while Ser Barristan stood baby-sit. Rhaegar made quite a tidy profit on these excursions, and although he one time spent the money on getting himself and Selmy very, very drunk, he commonly gave the money away to other minstrels or to orphanages. Barristan mentions that Rhaegar never liked killing but instead loved singing.

Sansa visits her aunt Lyanna's tomb, and Littlefinger recounts Rhaegar's actions at the Tourney of Harrenhal.

Effectually the same time, Petyr Baelish recounts the events of the Tourney at Harrenhal to Sansa Stark while visiting Lyanna'southward tomb in the crypts below Winterfell. He was only a small boy in the entourage of the Tullys at the time, just he saw what the entire huge crowd did: after defeating Ser Barristan in the final tilt, Rhaegar rode by his wife Elia Martell and gave the victor'south crown of flowers to Lyanna Stark, naming her the tournament'due south Queen of Love and Beauty. Baelish recalls how the entire oversupply of hundreds of people vicious silent at this shocking activeness. He then muses how Robert'south Rebellion bankrupt out because both Robert and Rhaegar wanted Lyanna, and wonders how many people died because Rhaegar chose Lyanna that 24-hour interval. Sansa accuses that Rhaegar "chose" her aunt Lyanna, then kidnapped and raped her - to which Littlefinger silently gives a wry look, as if he doubts that, merely doesn't explain further.[22]

Season six

In a vision of the past, Bran saw the Showdown at the Belfry of Joy between his father and Rhaegar's final Kingsguard.

Through a serial of visions, Bran Stark, Lyanna's nephew, witnesses the showdown that took place at the Belfry of Joy, and learns that his "half-brother", Jon Snow, is actually the son of Bran'southward aunt Lyanna and Rhaegar Targaryen. Bran's father, Eddard, claimed Jon equally his bastard son in order to protect him from Robert, who would accept surely killed him if he ever constitute out.[23] [one] Before his death at the climax of the showdown, Ser Arthur told Eddard that Rhaegar had ordered them to remain at the Tower of Joy, only he did not specify why.[14]

Season 7

When Randyll Tarly answers a summons to Male monarch'due south Landing by Cersei Lannister, her blood brother Jaime Lannister reminds Randyll that he was the only homo who defeated Robert Baratheon in battle, something Rhaegar ultimately failed to practise at the cost of his own life.[24]

Daenerys tells Jon that both Viserion and Rhaegal were named for her deceased brothers, neither of them yet aware that Rhaegar was secretly Jon's biological male parent, or that this means Jon is really her nephew.[25]

At the Citadel in Oldtown, Gilly is reading through the private diary of the Loftier Septon during Robert's Rebellion, and points out an entry to Samwell Tarly proverb that the High Septon clandestinely gave Rhaegar an annulment from Elia Martell, then married him to someone else in a surreptitious ceremony in Dorne. At the time, Samwell doesn't know the significance of this discovery.[ix]

Rhaegar secretly weds Lyanna.

Samwell and Gilly subsequently leave Oldtown, and afterward arrive in Winterfell. Sam meets with Bran Stark, who informs Sam that he has learned from his visions that Jon isn't actually Eddard Stark's son, but the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. Bran thinks this means Jon's name is not "Snow" simply "Sand", the special surname used for highborn bastards built-in in Dorne. Samwell replies that Sand is not Jon's name and, realizing the significance of the High Septon's diary entry about Rhaegar'due south surreptitious second marriage, tells Bran that Rhaegar and Lyanna were married. He asks the skeptical Bran if he can apply his powers to check what actually happened. Using his Greensight, Bran looks dorsum through time again to run into the clandestine hymeneals of Rhaegar and Lyanna in forepart of a weirwood heart tree. With joy in her eyes, Lyanna lovingly kisses Rhaegar. Stunned, Bran explains to Sam that Robert's Rebellion was built on a prevarication: Rhaegar didn't kidnap and rape Lyanna, she loved him. Their undercover marriage also means that Jon Snow is, in fact, Rhaegar's lawful son, and the real rightful heir to the Fe Throne (ahead of Rhaegar'southward younger sister Daenerys). Bran then finally recalls Jon'due south birth name, which Lyanna whispers to Ned Stark with her dying breath: "Aegon Targaryen."[2]

Season 8

At Bran's urging, Sam informs Jon that he isn't the son of Ned Stark, merely the son of Lyanna and Rhaegar, and that his true name is Aegon Targaryen. Jon reacts incredulously, doubting his father would lie to him all his life, but Sam says that Ned lied to protect Jon from Robert Baratheon, who would've killed him if he had institute out the truth. Sam tells Jon that he is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne as Aegon Targaryen, the Sixth of His Name, rather than Daenerys. Jon, however, who has mutually fallen in love with Daenerys, rejects the crown.[26]

Jon and Daenerys stand near Lyanna'southward statue in the Crypts of Winterfell. Daenerys wonders how Rhaegar, who was praised for his kindness and generosity, could rape Lyanna. Jon reveals Rhaegar didn't rape Lyanna, and they were in love. He tells Daenerys the truth about himself, that he is their son. A stunned Daenerys states that Jon, as the trueborn son of Rhaegar and Lyanna, is the "last male heir" of House Targaryen.[27]


Barristan Selmy: "Viserys never told you?"
Daenerys Targaryen: "He told me Rhaegar was adept at killing people."
Barristan Selmy: "Rhaegar never liked killing. He loved singing."
— Ser Barristan recounts his time with Rhaegar.[src]

Co-ordinate to those who knew him, Rhaegar was a wise, kind, and well-educated man, profoundly loved in the Seven Kingdoms before his declared abduction of Lyanna Stark. He was everything that could be hoped for in a future king, and very popular with lords and commoners akin - in contrast to his increasingly erratic begetter. Aerys'southward descent into insanity and paranoia profoundly troubled Rhaegar, which resulted in Rhaegar oftentimes brooding on his inner turmoils. Rhaegar's honor and intelligence made him very charismatic, earning him the genuine support of his followers. Neither Rhaegar's allies nor his enemies could ever explain in later years why such a promising young prince would suddenly abduct Lyanna Stark, equally information technology didn't seem in his graphic symbol.

Despite the superb skills he displayed while participating in the swell Tourney at Harrenhal, Ser Barristan Selmy (whom Rhaegar had unhorsed in the final joust) described Rhaegar as a peaceful man who much preferred singing over fighting and killing. He was highly skilled at playing the harp every bit well, and would often go out into the streets of the capital urban center disguised as a common minstrel to play and sing for passers-by.

Rhaegar's sorrow at the behavior of his father (and his handling of Queen Rhaella) gave him pity for the suffering of others. When he went out to sing in Flea Bottom, he would usually give away any money he had earned from it - sometimes to the side by side minstrel on the street, or to an orphanage (in one case he used it to get very drunk with Barristan, though that might likewise exist an example of him treating his friends well).

Afterwards the Baratheons overthrew the Targaryens in Robert's Rebellion, history became biased in favor of the victors: Rhaegar became remembered equally a villain second but to his insane father the Mad Rex, and people believed Rhaegar brutally abducted and raped Lyanna Stark and left her for dead. Fifty-fifty the Martells, who weren't sure what happened with Lyanna and didn't specifically care, were still upset that in either scenario, Rhaegar left Elia for another woman and dishonored Dorne. Had the Lannisters not butchered Elia Martell and her children past Rhaegar, the Martells might have kept that view, but the Lannisters' needless brutality drove a wedge between Dorne and the new Lannister-funded Baratheon government in Rex's Landing. Targaryen loyalists, meanwhile - such every bit Rhaegar'south own younger brother Viserys, in exile - developed their own skewed remembrance of events, that Rhaegar was the perfect Crown Prince, a tragic figure, and Robert was the villain of their story, seizing the throne from the rightful rulers and murdering the true heir.

Ultimately, Rhaegar still remains a controversial and perplexing figure every bit his star-crossed romance with Lyanna Stark inadvertently led to his insane father sparking a war with half of the Seven Kingdoms. Thousands died due to Rhaegar'south deportment (or inaction), ending in his death, the overthrow and exile of what was left of his family, and (indirectly) resulted in the murder of Elia and their two children together. What could possibly have motivated Rhaegar to not but elope with Lyanna, but fight a state of war to keep their union a secret, remains unknown. Rhaegar valued his forthcoming child with Lyanna so much that he fifty-fifty left champions of his Kingsguard behind in Dorne to defend her - living legends who could have tipped the balance if they had fought past his side at the Boxing of the Trident. His beloved for his child and married woman might have consumed all of his reasons that it wouldn't have mattered what others thought of him or what his action would do, as long equally he had his child and wife to love him and him to love them (similar to Jaime and Cersei Lannister'southward relationship).


Main commodity: Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark ( R + Fifty = J )


Game of Thrones Season 7 appearances
Dragonstone Stormborn The Queen's Justice The Spoils of War
Eastwatch Beyond the Wall The Dragon and the Wolf *

* Bran's vision

Family tree




Targaryen Maesters-Shield.png Night's-Watch-Main-Shield.PNG


Aegon V






Aerys II






Martell House-Martell-Main-Shield.PNG





Stark House-Stark-Main-Shield.PNG













Snow Night's-Watch-Main-Shield.PNG
(Aegon Targaryen)






"When your brother Rhaegar led his army into boxing at the Trident, men died for him because they believed in him, because they loved him. I fought beside the last dragon on that day, your Grace. I bled abreast him."
―Ser Barristan Selmy to Daenerys [src]
Daenerys Targaryen: "Did you know him well, Ser Barristan?"
Barristan Selmy: "I did, your Grace. Finest man I always met."
Daenerys Targaryen: "I wish I had known him, but he was not the final dragon."
— Rhaegar Targaryen remembered.[src]
"The last time I was in the capital was many years agone. Another wedding. My sister Elia and Rhaegar Targaryen, the terminal dragon. My sister loved him. She bore his children. Swaddled them, rocked them, fed them at her ain breast, Elia wouldn't let the moisture nurse touch on them. And cute, noble Rhaegar Targaryen...left her for some other woman."
―Oberyn Martell shows his ire toward Rhaegar. [src]
Petyr Baelish: "The last two riders were Barristan Selmy and Rhaegar Targaryen. When Rhaegar won, everyone cheered for their prince. I remember the girls laughing when he took off his helmet and saw that silver pilus. How handsome he was. Until he rode right past his wife Elia Martell, and all the smiles died. I've never seen so many people so tranquility. He rode by his wife and he lay a crown of winter roses in Lyanna's lap. Bluish with frost. How many tens of thousands had to die because Rhaegar chose your aunt?"
Sansa Stark: "Yes he chose her. And then he kidnapped her and raped her."
— Petyr Baelish and Sansa Stark discuss Rhaegar.
Eddard Stark: "The Mad King is expressionless. Rhaegar lies beneath the ground. Why weren't you there to protect your prince?"
Arthur Dayne: "Our prince wanted us here."
— Eddard Stark and Ser Arthur Dayne discuss Rhaegar.[src]
"He needs to know the truth. About himself. No ane knows, no ane but me. Jon isn't really my begetter's son. He'due south the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and my aunt Lyanna Stark."
―Bran Stark reveals to Samwell Tarly that Rhaegar is Jon's father. [src]

In the books

In the A Song of Ice and Burn novels, Rhaegar is depicted every bit a chivalrous, honorable, and but warrior - albeit ane oftentimes distracted by other concerns, and apparently unable or unwilling to restrain the worst excesses of his father as he slipped into insanity. Rhaegar was well-loved by the commoners and many lords who knew him.

Rhaegar had silver-gold pilus and nighttime indigo optics, and was considered to be tall and handsome. His younger brother Viserys after grew to closely resemble him in his features, though he was a poor re-create - shorter and more than spindly than Rhaegar, with lilac eyes. Cersei, who was infatuated with him, remembers Rhaegar as the most beautiful man she had e'er seen.

Rhaegar was born at Summerhall, the same night as the mysterious Tragedy at Summerhall, a fire acquired in unclear circumstances, which claimed the lives of former Male monarch Aegon V Targaryen, his loyal Lord Commander of the Kingsguard Duncan the Tall, and many others. The wedlock of Rhaegar'south parents was not a happy ane, as it had been arranged by their own begetter Jaehaerys Two (cut from the TV continuity). In Targaryen tradition, Aerys II married his own sister Rhaella, an incestuous match to "go along the bloodline pure." Information technology was rumored that Jaehaerys Ii forced the match because he had heard a prophecy from a woods witch that the Prince That Was Promised would exist born of their bloodline.

Rhaegar was very bookish in his youth, so that people jested that Queen Rhaella must have swallowed some books and a candle while he was in her womb. As a male child, he was able to impress the maesters with his wit. He merely became a warrior afterward reading something that changed his outlook, and from and then on pursued his martial training with as much dedication every bit his studies. Years later, Viserys told Daenerys that Arthur Dayne was the only knight in the realm who was Rhaegar's peer; this turned out, withal, to be another of Viserys's poorly informed exaggerations. Many years later, Ser Barristan Selmy assures Daenerys, as gently as he tin, that her eldest brother was a highly skilled warrior, but he was non the invincible knight Viserys claimed he was. Rhaegar was nonetheless a very skilled knight, and was capable of unhorsing even Barristan himself in the joust. Still, Rhaegar's great beloved was always reading and music, preferring the harp to the lance, and he rarely participated in tournaments, because he never loved the vocal of swords the way that Robert or Jaime did.

Aerys's madness worsened with every passing twelvemonth, compounded by the stress from a series of dead children with Rhaella afterwards Rhaegar but before Viserys: three miscarriages, two stillbirths, and three other infant sons who died in the cradle. Aerys also had many mistresses, and he lusted afterwards Tywin's wife Joanna Lannister. Notwithstanding, Aerys started hypocritically blaming his married woman for their dead children, accusing that such weak pregnancies must take been fathered by some other, lesser human being. In time, Aerys became physically abusive to Rhaella, and from her screams, it was an open up underground in the Red Keep that he raped her on several occasions. All of this added to Rhaegar's grief and inner turmoil.

2 rival factions adult at the purple court, divided between those who supported Rhaegar and had the skillful of the realm in heed, and opportunists who supported Aerys, playing him off against his own son in exchange for royal favors, trying to convince him that sooner or later Rhaegar would endeavour to depose him - perhaps by calling a new Corking Council to have his father declared mentally unfit to continue ruling. Rhaegar, nevertheless, was plain deeply troubled by the prospect of turning on his own father, and passed up multiple opportunities to do then - probably hoping, like the residual of the realm, that Aerys would only dice of natural causes before the situation got so bad that he was forced to make such a harsh choice.

Summerhall was Rhaegar's favorite place. He used to go in that location occasionally, with only his harp for company; even the knights of the Kingsguard did not attend him in that location. He liked to sleep in the ruined hall, beneath the moon and stars, and whenever he came back, he would bring a vocal. According to Barristan Selmy, when yous heard Rhaegar play his high harp with the silver strings and sing of twilights and tears and the death of kings, you could not only feel that he was singing of himself and those he loved.

Overall, Rhaegar is described as having a kind but melancholic personality, tormented by his begetter's growing insanity. Sorrow was never far behind him, and he frequently brooded alone on the grief in his heart. It is said that with his harp and singing, pouring out his internal anguish, he could bring unabridged rooms of people to tears - even the wild she-wolf Lyanna Stark.

It is speculated by fans that Rhaegar read some prophecy in an arcane book about the Prince That Was Promised, who would save the world from the return of the White Walkers. For a time, it seems that Rhaegar thought he himself was the Prince, but later he patently idea it would be his children: noting that "the dragon has three heads" (referring to the Targaryen sigil) and that "there must be one more" (as he comments in a vision Daenerys sees at the House of the Undying), he seems to accept been convinced that the prophecy about "the" Prince really referred to iii people acting together: the Targaryens had showtime conquered and united Westeros when led by three dragon-riders; Aegon I and his two sister-wives, Rhaenys and Visenya. Rhaegar even named his starting time two children after the original trio of the War of Conquest generation: first his daughter Rhaenys, then his son Aegon (though in the original trio, Visenya was really the eldest, Rhaenys the youngest). Unfortunately, the wellness of Rhaegar's married woman Elia suffered greatly during her first ii pregnancies, and the maesters warned that she would not survive an endeavor to have a 3rd child. This might have encouraged Rhaegar to endeavour to fulfill the prophecy by having a third kid with another woman.

Another possibility is that according to the same prophecy, The Prince That Was Promised had to be sired by Targaryen and Stark parents, as implied by the phrase "ice and fire": the Targaryens are associated with fire (their house sigil is a dragon), and the Starks are associated with water ice (they rule the North). That could be the reason Rhaegar chose Lyanna as the female parent for the promised child.

Rhaegar'southward reasons for kidnapping Lyanna Stark remain a mystery to both his supporters and his detractors, merely the entire realm knows that they first met at the Great Tourney at Harrenhal in the Year of the False Jump. A full yr later, Rhaegar and two knights of the Kingsguard fell upon Lyanna in the Riverlands and took her to a secure location - somewhen revealed to be a hidden redoubt in the Red Mountains of Dorne, the Tower of Joy. This gear up in motility the rapid chain of events that led to Robert's Rebellion.

When Rhaegar returned to the capital to take command of the royal ground forces and pb them into boxing, Jaime Lannister - who had go quite appalled by the Mad King's actions - begged Rhaegar to have him along, and leave Darry or Selmy to guard the king. Rhaegar refused, stating that his father wanted Jaime by his side to make certain Tywin would non deed against him, but promised Jaime that "changes would be made" in one case the rebellion had been crushed, which he wished he had made sooner (perhaps Rhaegar meant to finally depose his lunatic father). Many years subsequently, Jaime bitterly muses that Rhaegar was right - when the battle ended, changes were indeed made, though non exactly what Rhaegar had in mind.

Rhaegar and Robert Baratheon engaged in an ballsy duel at the Boxing of the Trident, ending when Robert caved in Rhaegar's breastplate with his war hammer. Fan art of this event oftentimes forgets that both of them were mounted on horses, non on foot - at least at first, as it is also said that Rhaegar "sank to his knees" when he died. In the 2d novel, Daenerys has two magical visions of Rhaegar at the House of the Undying in Qarth, one of which is of his death: "Rubies flew similar drops of blood from the chest of a dying prince, and he sank to his knees in the water and with his terminal breath murmured a woman's name." - strongly implying that his dying word was "Lyanna." The surviving prisoners from the Targaryen side of the boxing (among them Barristan Selmy) begged Robert to grant Rhaegar a proper funeral: Robert all the same hated Rhaegar with an all-consuming passion, only even he would non dishonor himself past refusing to grant such a basic request, and then Rhaegar'due south body was cremated (as per Targaryen custom, in the tradition of their Valyrian ancestors).

Daenerys'south second vision of Rhaegar in the House of the Undying was of a human resembling Viserys but taller than him, with night indigo eyes, and a adult female nursing a newborn babe in a great wooden bed. They were confirmed by George R.R. Martin to be Rhaegar, Elia, and their infant son Aegon (not Jon Snowfall, who was too born 'Aegon Targaryen' in the television series). In the vision, Rhaegar holds baby Aegon and proclaims that he is the Prince That Was Promised, and "His is the song of water ice and burn. There must be ane more. The dragon has three heads." - so far, the only betoken in the entire novel series that its title "A Song of Ice and Fire" has been mentioned in the text.[28]

With Rhaegar's death, the Targaryen crusade was lost, and the remaining not bad lords of the realm abandoned the Mad King. Tywin's ground forces rushed to the upper-case letter metropolis ahead of Robert's, entered the city under a flag of friendship, so promptly turned on the defenders in one case inside the city gates, leading to the fell Sack of King'south Landing. In the books, Amory Lorch killed Rhaegar's girl Rhaenys, while Gregor Clegane killed his infant son Aegon, and then raped and killed Aegon'southward mother. The Telly series condensed this to simply say that Gregor killed both children.

The current five novels have not all the same explained exactly what happened at the Tower of Joy, when Eddard constitute his dying sis Lyanna - nor have they specifically revealed that he institute Lyanna dying from childbirth, along with the infant Jon Snowfall (though the implication is very strong ever since the start novel). Lyanna'due south dying words were "Promise me, Ned" - words that proceed to replay in his mind years later on, though exactly what he promised has never been revealed (i.east. just to keep her son safe, or to one day reveal his real identity, etc.).

Rhaegar's annulment from Elia Martell in the Boob tube series

The Season 7 episode "Eastwatch" introduced that Rhaegar secretly got an "annulment" from his married woman Elia, secretly granted by the Loftier Septon, who then as well secretly officiated the remarriage of Rhaegar to Lyanna Stark. While what exactly Rhaegar did with Lyanna hasn't been established by the current books, it is hundred-to-one that he got an "disparateness": marriage and annulment do not work like that in Westeros. In response to the episode, Elio Garcia and Linda Antonsson, owners of major volume fansite and co-authors with George R.R. Martin of The World of Ice & Burn sourcebook, put out an analysis video in which they strongly suspected that this is really a drastic over-simplification by the showrunners of the Television set series - one that botched several basic points about how spousal relationship works in Westeros, and only creates as many bug as information technology solves:

No one in the history of Westeros, as described in the novels at least, has ever received an "annulment" for a wedlock that produced a male heir already: Rhaegar had 2 children with Elia already, an older sister and an infant son. "Divorce", as such, does not exist in Westeros. Annulments are only granted for very specific reasons, such equally if the marriage was never consummated, or if one of the spouses was already married (as bigamy is forbidden). It is said in both the books and TV series that Sansa tin can have her matrimony to Tyrion annulled on the grounds that it was never consummated.

Another possibility is that Rhaegar could have but kept Lyanna as a mistress and then legitimized Jon by royal decree - as other kings take washed in the by, such every bit Aegon IV the Unworthy. Elio and Linda pointed out that customs for bastardy and legitimization are somewhat dissimilar in Westeros from the real Eye Ages, in which the Church was more than powerful than the Crown and had control over declaring a child legitimate. The books have established that the Fe Throne is more than powerful than the Faith in Westeros, and kings can legitimize bastards without consulting the Faith.

A major fan theory circulating for some time, which Elio and Linda back up, is that rather than get an "annulment" from Elia, Rhaegar may have polygamously married Lyanna every bit a second wife. The Valyrian ancestors of Business firm Targaryen regularly incest, marrying brother to sister (or as close a relative equally possible), but were also known to practice polygamy - it was comparatively uncommon, only not unknown either. Most famously, Aegon the Conqueror, who invaded and united the 7 Kingdoms and forged the Iron Throne, was simultaneously married to both of his sisters: Visenya and Rhaenys. The Religion of the Seven in Westeros strictly forbids both of these practices, and Aegon tacitly seemed to give the hope that the new Targaryen dynasty would terminate post-obit them. Aegon's sons then tried to bring back incestuous marriages, leading to the Faith Militant uprising. More specifically, Aegon'due south younger son Maegor the Cruel, a savage tyrant, also tried to bring back polygamy - the Loftier Septon at the time wouldn't grant him an disparateness, despite his wife being apparently arid, because she was the Loftier Septon's ain niece. Aegon'southward grandson Jaehaerys I Targaryen later negotiated peace in the realm, ending the uprisings, but the Targaryens were immune to continue practicing incestuous marriages. Polygamy, meanwhile, was never specifically outlawed, information technology just vicious out of favor, as the Targaryens were wise plenty not to antagonize the Organized religion once again by taking multiple wives (in dissimilarity, they already had an incestuous bloodline, and who they later married wouldn't change that - but they could chose non to take more than one married woman). A few fundamental hints exist even centuries subsequently that some Targaryens wanted to revive polygamy if they thought they were powerful enough to become away with information technology, the primary example of which is Daemon I Blackfyre, a legitimized bastard son of Aegon Four Targaryen. Many people in-universe believe that he launched the Blackfyre Rebellion against his own half-brother the king over his dear of his half-sister, who the rex sent abroad in a marriage-alliance. Others counter that Daemon was already married then this doesn't make sense, and his wife had produced seven sons and a number of daughters for him. In turn, this led some maesters to suspect that Daemon secretly intended to marry his sister equally his polygamous second married woman, and that he was powerful plenty to pressure the Faith into accepting this much as they had all of the incest marriages.

It is more often than not suspected that Rhaegar wanted a 2d marriage because he believed he needed to have iii children to fulfill part of the prophecy well-nigh the Prince That Was Promised - that the "Prince" would actually exist three people acting together. Elia Martell had very fragile health, however, and her showtime two pregnancies nearly killed her, and the maesters said she would not survive another.

Rhaegar annulling his marriage to Elia Martell introduces the complication that this might lead to his outset ii children with her being retroactively declared illegitimate (such equally when Henry VIII of England ended his marriage to Katherine of Aragon, and so her daughter Encarmine Mary's enemies used this to argue she wasn't legitimate). While somewhat of a moot indicate considering they died years ago, at the time Rhaegar wouldn't take wanted to risk angering the Dornish like that. Even if Rhaegar hypothetically pressured the High Septon into granting him an annulment on some false pretext or another, this would greatly anger the Martells and possibly make them rise in open defection confronting the Targaryens. As information technology happened, during Robert's Rebellion, the Martell armies fought for the Targaryens because Elia Martell was a hostage in the Ruby-red Keep, and because her children with Rhaegar would one day exist the heirs to the Iron Throne.

Of course, in either scenario, the Martells would not accept been amused: even if Rhaegar explicitly fabricated the public declaration that his children with Elia would rank ahead of any children with Lyanna, a hereafter rebellion could break out against Elia's children using the pretext that she had been superseded by Lyanna and her children retroactively made bastards (the legality of the situation is irrelevant - rebels but need a pretext). Polygamously taking Lyanna as a 2nd wife might take stopped curt of the Martells openly revolting, only an outright "annulment" of Rhaegar's wedlock to Elia would much more probably be used as an alibi to bereave her children.

Elio and Linda did note that they have no thought how Rhaegar getting an annulment instead of a polygamous union would touch Elia's children, whether it would make them bastards or not, because there is no precedent for it - no 1 e'er gets an "annulment" for a marriage that already produced children. They did point out, yet, that while in existent-life history this automatically rendered any children by that first marriage bastards (i.e. Bloody Mary), the aforementioned isn't necessarily true in Westeros - fifty-fifty for Television receiver-Rhaegar, getting an "annulment" in these circumstances would be such a unique dispensation from the Loftier Septon that, while he was at information technology, he might have additionally had the annulment phrased in such a manner that his children with Elia would officially remain legitimate. Or, he could have just declared them legitimized past majestic decree. Clearly, the alter to an "annulment" introduced a number of complications. Any the example, because there is no precedent for how an annulment affects children of a matrimony, Game of Thrones Wiki will not treat Rhaegar'southward two children with Elia as retroactively bastards, until directly confirmed otherwise by the TV serial (annihilation else would be an assumption).

Elio and Linda also speculated on why the Goggle box showrunners would make such an oversimplification from a polygamous matrimony to an annulment, and believed that Benioff and Weiss wanted to make Jon Snow unquestionably the rightful heir to the Iron Throne - when in reality, fifty-fifty in the books, in that location is no scenario nether which his inheritance would not be challenged by his enemies. Rebel armies don't care about the legality of words on paper, all they need is a pretext. Even if Rhaegar polygamously married Lyanna in the books, Jon's enemies would ever say that Rhaegar couldn't lawfully do that considering information technology is confronting the rules of the Religion, and rebel movements would employ that statement against them. As Elio and Linda point out, changing this to an "disparateness" from Elia Martell showtime solves nothing : now, Jon's enemies can only argue that the annulment from Elia was unlawful - given that she apparently produced two children for Rhaegar already including a son- and thus his second marriage to Lyanna was bigamous (and unlawful over again).

Confirmation of exactly what really happened between Rhaegar and Lyanna will have to look the release of the future novels.

See besides

  • A Wiki of Ice and Fire favicon.PNG Rhaegar Targaryen on A Wiki of Ice and Fire


  1. i.0 1.1 ane.2 1.3 ane.4 "The Winds of Winter"
  2. 2.0 two.1 2.2 ii.3 "The Dragon and the Wolf"
  3. iii.0 3.1 3.2 "Robert's Rebellion (Histories & Lore)" - Barristan Selmy's perspective
  4. four.0 4.ane 4.2 "The Wars to Come"
  5. five.0 5.two 5.iii "Robert's Rebellion" - Oberyn Martell'southward perspective
  6. vi.0 vi.1 "Mad King Aerys" - Tywin Lannister's perspective
  7. "House Martell"
  8. "Robert'southward Rebellion" - Jaime Lannister's perspective
  9. 9.0 9.1 "Eastwatch"
  10. 10.0 x.1 " The Sack of Male monarch'south Landing#Luwin"
  11. xi.0 11.1 "Robert'southward Rebellion" - Robert Baratheon's perspective
  12. 12.0 12.1 "Robert's Rebellion" - Viserys Targaryen'south perspective
  13. 13.0 13.1 "Wintertime Is Coming"
  14. fourteen.0 xiv.1 "Oathbreaker"
  15. So Spake Martin, February 28, 2002
  16. "The Kingsroad"
  17. "A Golden Crown"
  18. "Baelor"
  19. "Burn down and Blood"
  20. "Walk of Punishment"
  21. "Two Swords"
  22. "Sons of the Harpy"
  23. "Oathbreaker"
  24. "Stormborn"
  25. "The Queen's Justice"
  26. "Winterfell"
  27. "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms"
  28. The Citadel: Prophecies -


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