How Long Using Wazine Before Eating Eggs Again

Yes, you can still eat your chicken eggs after worming your hens with any deworming medication since lots of deworming medications are safe, and these products can't get into the chicken eggs. Most manufacturers of deworming medications let their consumers know how long they should withdraw from eating eggs in their package inserts.

The egg withdrawal duration varies from one deworming medication to the other. Some medications have a longer withdrawal period than others.

How Soon After Worming Can I Eat the Eggs?

The egg withdrawal duration depends on the choice of deworming medication you introduce to your birds. Some medications have a withdrawal period of days, while other medications' withdrawal duration can last for weeks. Check the package insert on the deworming medication you are using to establish how soon you can eat your chicken eggs after deworming your egg-laying hens. Adhere to the egg withdrawal duration after worming your hens.

What to do With Eggs After Worming?

Chicken owners are concerned about what to do with their chicken eggs after deworming. After all, your birds will continue laying eggs after worming, notwithstanding the egg withdrawal period. That means you will have plenty of eggs after the withdrawal period, making you wonder what to do with the eggs.

First, you can reserve the eggs for your hatching hens if some of your hens are ready for hatching. Secondly, you can cook up the eggs and feed them to your pigs if you have pigs in your backyard. Pigs love cooked eggs since they taste lovely and are an abundant source of protein. Moreover, consider cooking the eggs for your dogs since cooked eggs are a nutritious and tasty treat for dogs.

Alternatively, you can eat the eggs yourself, although it isn't prudent to consume eggs shortly after deworming your hens. Nonetheless, some chicken keepers eat chicken eggs safely after deworming their hens since the products in deworming medications can find their way into the chicken eggs.

Do Worms Affect Chicken Eggs?

Yes, worms can affect chicken eggs both indirectly and directly. Worms can affect your hens' egg-laying capabilities and the hens' eggs' quality. For instance, worm infections can damage your hens' guts, leading to multiple egg problems. Worms can affect egg size, yolk color, and shell color. Furthermore, worms can place your chicken eggs at a high risk of getting egg peritonitis, a condition that ruins the strength of eggshells, making the eggs have a cooked appearance.

Worms such as roundworms can also affect the egg quality and your hens' egg-laying potential. The worms, for instance, rob protein of from your hens' guts. Protein deficit slows down the hens' laying cycle. Furthermore, protein deficit makes hens lay eggs with a weak membrane, affecting overall egg quality.

Overly, worms can cause damage to your hens and their eggs. Worm-infested hens are weak and unable to sustain a healthy egg production cycle, especially in free-range egg-laying hens. Furthermore, such hens are susceptible to multiple diseases, which can slow down laying or even halt laying in hens. Worse still, heavy worm infestations can lead to the death of your hens.

What Dewormer is Safe for Laying Chickens?

With tons of deworming medications of chicken dewormers, your chickens' safety is thus crucial. Nonetheless, every medication from tons of medications out there isn't safe for egg-laying hens. Ultimately, being familiar with some of the safest medications for laying chickens is vital. Check this detailed list of some of the safest deworming medications for egg-laying chickens.

– SafeGuard

SafeGuard is one of the safest deworming medications for laying chickens. This excellent medication can help you eliminate tapeworms, gapeworms, and roundworms from your hens' guts. This medication is particularly excellent at eliminating worms from free-range hens.

Clinical studies featuring on show that SafeGuard is one of the most effective worming medications for chickens. SafeGuard kills almost all worms that affect chickens' eggs before deworming.

Research also indicates that safeGuard also protects eggs from egg infections. SafeGuard is also excellent at stopping egg shedding, which usually occurs when chicken eggs undergo deworming.

– Wazine

Wazine also makes the best deworming medication for several reasons. This medication is suitable for all egg-laying chickens of all ages after chickens undergo the deworming process.

Young hens can benefit from this medication since it stops them from laying poor-quality eggs even after heavy worm infestations. A hundred grams of Wazine for hens is enough to make their eggs suitable for consumption or hatching after taking this medication.

Wazine is suitable for treating hens that are suffering from an egg infestation after these hens undergo the deworming process. Wazine serves as an excellent treatment for broiler layers that can't lay healthy eggs due to worm infestation. Furthermore, the medication comes with plenty of proteins, beneficial for your egg-laying hens.

– Piperazine

Piperazine is a common medication that belongs to the anthelmintic group of families. It is particularly good at eliminating worm infestations among chickens. This medication is especially effective in treating worms such as roundworms. These worms affect your hens' laying capability.

Piperazine also effectively treats pinworms, which can slow down or halt your hens' laying cycle. This medication contains products that can help your flock combat severe chicken diseases such as coccidiosis.

– Fenbendazole

Fenbendazole boasts as the only FDA-approved medication that can treat cecal worms and roundworms on turkeys and chickens. This mediation comes in poultry foods and as a medicated drug, and it is suitable for chicken consumption.

Egg-laying chickens of all ages can benefit from this medication when it gets to deworming. The best thing about this medication is that you don't have to withdraw from eating eggs after your hens take Fenbendazole.


Deworming chickens is a crucial process of keeping healthy egg-laying chickens in your home. While deworming seems like a process that can destroy your chicken eggs, you can still consume your chicken eggs depending on the type of medication you introduce to your egg-laying hens.

Choose a medication that offers a shorter egg withdrawal consumption period while ensuring the medication is safe for your egg-laying chickens.

avatar Hey, I'm James, a hardworking homesteader for more than 30 years. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes from tending my flock. I've raised chickens and ducks for eggs and meat for many years. I also have experience with other poultry too.


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